Marine Vinyl Fabric FAQ

Where are you located?

  • Our warehouse is located in Saint Croix Falls Wisconsin. 

How are your prices so low?

  • We work directly with our manufacturer and sell our own Flexa Marine product. This allows us to cut out the extra costs of distributors. As we buy and ship in bulk it creates additional savings that we pass on to you the customer. It also gives us complete control of our quality to make sure the products are built to our specifications.

How big is 1 yard?

  • 1 yard is 36” long x 54” wide
  • 2 yards is 72” long x 54” wide
  • Check out our size guide on the product pages

Will my order come in one continuous piece?

  • Clear Vinyl and Flooring will always come in one continuous piece assuming you buy less than a full roll which the length varies based on thickness.
  • Upholstery Vinyl - 95% of the time orders are sent in one continuous piece. Larger orders may have a split or two from the manufacturing process. Our Flexa Marine Vinyl rolls come in 30 yard lengths so any orders over 30 yards will come in more than one package. The clear vinyl rolls come in different lengths. The clear 20 Gauge comes on 40-yard rolls. The clear 30 Gauge comes on 20-Yard rolls and the clear 40 Gauge comes on 20-yard rolls.

How do I get creases out of the folded vinyl?

  • Lay the marine vinyl flat on the ground in the sun. You can also use a heat gun to smooth it out. You can also use a heating pad or heated blanket on a low setting. The material will always bounce back to its original shape, but it can take time. Smaller pieces can be placed in a drier on a low setting to help smooth it out. Please be careful not to use so much heat where it melts.

Can I buy Flexa Marine Vinyl at any store?

  • Our product cannot be found in other retail stores. We prefer to sell directly to you the consumer.

How do I clean and care for marine vinyl?

  • This is not a simple question so we wrote a blog post that goes over this topic in great detail. It will give you some awesome tips. Check the article out - How to clean your marine vinyl?
  • Keeping your vinyl clean and out of the sun will extend the life of the material. Our material is UV treated, but over an extended period the sun will break down the material. They make boat and furniture covers for a reason and it's because the harsh sun will break down just about anything. You can also use products like 303 and Meguiars Marine Vinyl Cleaners.


    What type of thread do you recommend?

    What size needle do you recommend?

    • There is no right or wrong needle as many people have different preferences 
    • When we asked some marine experts they recommended the following needle sizes.... #16, #17, #18, #21, #22

    Is the marine vinyl California Prop 65 compliant?

    • No our marine vinyl is not prop 65 compliant…see full disclosure here.