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Winter is officially here so that means it's ice fishing time! Don't worry spring will be here before you know it and we can go fishing from our boats soon enough. While there is still ice outside try to make yourself an easy ice fishing bucket seat. This project requires minimal effort and can be completed in under 2 hours, utilizing materials easily sourced from your garage. Not everyone will have these supplies laying around so we have priced everything out for you and you can build this for under $60.  This bucket seat is perfect for ice fishing. You...

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Meet Flexa Marine Vinyl! Besides being great for boat seats and upholstery this athletic PVC Vinyl is a High Endurance material that is manufactured for gyms and workout equipment. This durable Athletic Vinyl is reinforced to withstand aggressive daily use and is built for rough and tough play.  This is the vinyl you want in your gym equipment, as it’s perfect for every athletic application. Do you have a rip in a wall pad that needs repair? Or do you need to make some gym mats for your martial arts studio. This vinyl fabric is strong and will also work...

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Have you ever gone to a tropical resort and laid in one of those beautiful beds on the beach? There are usually only a handful of these beautiful beds that people usually fight over. If you have ever been to one of these resorts people usually wake up at the crack of dawn to try to reserve their bed for the day. They come with their book, margarita and other beach gear at 4:00am to claim their bed for the day. If you have not experienced this first hand, you have likely seen an ad for a resort with one...

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Our main mission is to bring you the highest quality marine vinyl at affordable rates, but how we do that is equally important. We want to help keep this planet green and clean. This is why we do our best to create as little waste as possible. At we recycle all our cardboard, plastic and wooden crates. Any marine vinyl scraps are repurposed for samples or are donated to a local school for arts and crafts projects. It takes time to properly sort our “waste” into proper piles, but we know as a company that it’s the right thing...

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Marine Vinyl is a very versatile material. Most people associate marine vinyl with boats, cars and upholstery, but there are many surprising uses for this extremely durable material. Some people make purses while others make belts. Now let’s focus in on a group of incredibly talented people that are usually ignored or thought of as a bit odd. These super fans love Cosplay and dressing up as their favorite characters. These folks put your typical Halloween costume to shame. These are real artists with real skills and attend events all year round to show off their talent. This group is...

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